Last evening, for the first time ever, I was shocked by my ICD. No warning at all, really. My family and I were eating dinner and I started to feel "shaky" inside. I decided to go to the bedroom to lay down for a bit but before I could I heard and felt a spark and a boom. I also thought I saw a spark before my eyes. It was definitely the most frightening experience I've ever had. My husband and daughter took care of calling 911 and having me transported to Christ Hospital. I learned that my heart rate was 190 and the defibrillator fired to bring me back to a normal rate. I was back home just 4.5 hours later. I am very thankful for technology, my family, Christ Hospital, and God for giving me more time with my family and friends. As we begin 2019 in just two more days, I am excited to see what the future holds. God is good...all the time!