Saturday, March 16, 2019

40 Years

Forty is such a significant number in the Bible.  It typically refers to a time of "testing".  The Israelites spent 40 days spying out the land of Canaan.  Only Caleb and Joshua ended up getting to go into the Promised Land when it was finally time to go.  

Today, March 16, marks 40 years since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I am grateful for the "testing" that has occurred during those 40 years.  Never once did God leave me alone in the desert.  Whether I have 10, 20, or even 30 years left here on earth, I know He will guide me the rest of the way to my own Promised Land.

Healthwise, I am good.  My heart rate is back to normal and I am feeling fine.  I am back to exercising and watching my diet.  That is always a struggle for me for some reason.  Metropolol is a drug that makes you tired but with a little caffeine (notice I said a little) you can make it through the day.  Remember to get your rest and exercise.  You can do this!!!  

To Your Health,