Monday, January 16, 2012


So, I take Crestor because it lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides; both of which are especially harmful for cardiomyopathy people.  But all of the negative publicity about Crestor recently has me concerned.  I even stopped it for a few days while I pondered the news.  When I went to pick up my refill last night ($72.00 even with the discount!), I forgot to ask the pharmacist for his opinion.  From what I've read, some of the diabetes risk is due to folks thinking that since they are on Crestor, they can now just eat whatever the heck they feel like eating....haha.  I'm laughing but I actually know someone like that.  So, anyway, I will ask my cardiologist the next time I'm in.  But for now, I'm sticking with the Crestor.

On a happier note, I am still walking regularly and planning to get together a team for the Mini Heart-Marathon coming up on March 18th.  I'll just walk 5k but others can run, or walk 10k if they want - more power to them!  This takes place a day after my 51st birthday so it is a fitting way to celebrate another year of life.  I feel great 95% of the time.  The other 5% of the time I feel a little short of breath.  The only side effects from my meds are occasional irritability - usually as I am falling asleep, or a dry cough from the ace inhibitor.  But even these side effects rarely happen so I won't complain.  Still working towards my goal of losing 40# by mid-summer and my best friend is going to help me; she sent me a Zumba workout tape today - can't wait to get home tonight to try it out! 

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